pile of red, white, and blue

Vote Like Your Life Depends on It

Population Connection Action Fund works to elect candidates who understand the importance of family planning and access to reproductive health care.

Congressional Endorsements

We endorse candidates who work to protect reproductive health and rights and who demonstrate a strong commitment to working on behalf of women and families around the world.

2024 Endorsements

Congressional Report Card

Find out how your members of Congress scored in 2021-2022

2022 Congressional Report Card

Are You Registered to Vote?

Stand up and be counted! Register to vote, change your address, or learn more about your state’s voter rules below!

Register to Vote
Fight4HER Protest

Find Your Polling Station

Make sure you know where to go on Election Day (November 8, 202) to cast your ballot.

Polling Places
a group of population connect action supporters holding signage encouraging people to vote.