

President Biden's Budget Is a Step Forward, but We Need a Giant Leap

June 2, 2021 | Post

President Biden released the details of his first budget proposal late last week. When it comes to international family planning funding, it’s a small step forward. Unfortunately, we need a giant leap. Family planning is one of the best investments that governments can make. It brings enormous returns in terms…...

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2021 Capitol Hill Days Recap

March 26, 2021 | Post

Population Connection and Population Connection Action Fund hosted our annual advocacy conference, Capitol Hill Days, from March 17–22, 2021. It was a huge success! Through a series of virtual, hands-on advocacy trainings and informational workshops over 200 participants learned how to: Advocate for reproductive health and rights for everyone, everywhere.…...

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2020 Summer of HER

September 2, 2020 | Post

On August 29, we wrapped up another successful Summer of HER with #Fight4HER’s 3rd annual HER Summit. Unlike in previous years, when we’ve gathered in person, this year was completely digital, with two separate summits for eastern and western states. Even so, over 400 dedicated #Fight4HER activists from across the…...

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2020 Capitol Hill Days Recap

March 24, 2020 | Post

The Chilling Effect: How the U.S. exports its anti-choice agenda Melvine Ouyo, #Fight4HER Advocate Dickson Okong'o, Executive Director, STRETCHERS Samantha Luffy, Policy Research Associate, CHANGE Mark Hathaway MD, MPH, Family Planning and Reproductive Health Technical Advisor, MCSP/Jhpiego (and Population Connection board member) Reproductive Justice in Global Contexts Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng,…...

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2019 Summer of HER

September 1, 2019 | Post

In June, we kicked off the 2019 Summer of HER (Health, Empowerment, and Rights) Activist Institute. We’re thrilled to be spending the summer developing activists who can lead the #Fight4HER across the country. Fellows, under the direction of our standout field organizers, will spend the summer learning essential organizing skills…...

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2019 Capitol Hill Days Recap

April 4, 2019 | Post

This past weekend, nearly 350 people from all over the country came to Washington, DC, to fight for reproductive rights around the world. The program started on Friday afternoon with a rally outside the White House, where fired up young people chanted slogans and cheered for speakers including Melvine Ouyo,…...

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2018 Summer of HER

September 1, 2018 | Post

We mobilized in support of health, empowerment and rights for the Summer of HER, a 10-week project of #Fight4HER. Activists and volunteers from eight target states and 10 cities built support to end Trump’s Global Gag Rule in their communities. Our organizers and activists gathered over 7,400 petitions in support…...

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2018 Capitol Hill Days Recap

March 20, 2018 | Post

In a year that holds the possibility for the progressive resistance to take back Congress from the clutches of Donald Trump and his cronies, 404 activists stormed D.C. for the weekend to speak out against Trump’s Global Gag Rule and to urge their elected officials to support the Global HER…...

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