
Press Releases

For media inquiries, contact Brian Dixon, Senior Vice President for Media and Government Relations, at or 202-974-7744.

Leaked Supreme Court Draft Decision Is an Outrage

May 3, 2022 | Press Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The leaked draft of an opinion overturning Roe v. Wade is horrifying and infuriating. We feared this outcome when Mitch McConnell stole a seat on the Court for Neil Gorsuch. And when he ignored credible accusations that Brett Kavanaugh was a sexual predator. And again when he…...

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Congressional Spending Bill Fails People in U.S. and Abroad

March 9, 2022 | Press Releases

To say that we’re disappointed in the spending bill released in Congress late last night would be a gross understatement. It was probably inevitable when only one party is trying to govern and the other is willing to let everything fall apart. At this tragic moment in history, the Democrats…...

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Biden Nominates Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson for Supreme Court

February 25, 2022 | Press Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Congratulations to Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. We are thrilled with her nomination to be the next Supreme Court Justice. This nomination comes at a crucial time in our history as increasingly brazen politicians across the country—and, sadly, now on the Supreme Court—are pushing policies that threaten the…...

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Senate Appropriations Committee Releases State Department/Foreign Operations Bill

October 18, 2021 | Press Releases

The State Department/Foreign Operations Appropriations bill released by Subcommittee Chairman Chris Coons today is a welcome step forward to promoting health, empowerment, and rights for people everywhere. By including Global HER Act language to prevent a future president from unilaterally imposing the disgraceful Global Gag Rule, just as the House-passed…...

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Statement on the Conviction of Derek Chauvin

April 23, 2021 | Press Releases

On Tuesday, April 20th, Derek Chauvin was convicted of murdering George Floyd. The guilty verdicts in the Chauvin case reflect a small measure of accountability, but they don’t change the fact that a Black man was murdered in cold blood. Nothing will change unless and until white people are willing…...

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We Stand With the Asian American and Pacific Islander Community

March 18, 2021 | Press Releases

We are horrified by and furious about the racist, misogynistic violence in Georgia this week and by the increasing attacks on Asian people across our country. This has been tolerated for too long and by too many, especially those in positions of authority. We grieve with the families of the…...

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Global HER Act Reintroduced in House and Senate

January 28, 2021 | Press Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: JANUARY 28, 2021 We’re pleased that Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Representatives Barbara Lee, Ami Bera, and Jan Schakowsky introduced the Global Health, Empowerment and Rights (HER) Act today.  President Biden’s order lifting the Global Gag Rule is a crucial first step toward undoing the harm of that policy. But Congress must act…...

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Population Connection Action Fund Applauds President Joe Biden for Repealing the Global Gag Rule

January 28, 2021 | Press Releases

For immediate release: January 28, 2021 We are pleased and grateful that President Biden acted today to eliminate the disgraceful Global Gag Rule and take other steps to expand and promote reproductive health and rights around the world. With the Global Gag Rule lifted, communities in countries from Guatemala to…...

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On the Inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris

January 20, 2021 | Press Releases

For immediate release: January 20, 2021 Today’s inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris brings a new sense of hope for a better future. It was an emotional reminder both of what we have lost and what is now possible. Decency is replacing cruelty. Competence is replacing…...

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Statement Expressing Outrage About Reported Mass Hysterectomies Forced on ICE Detainees

September 15, 2020 | Press Releases


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